glosario csv

1. What’s CSV?

CSV, which stands for Comma-Separated Values, is a file format widely used to store tabular data. In a CSV file, each line represents a row of data, and the values ​​within each row are separated by commas. The simplicity of CSV makes it ideal for transferring data between different programs and systems, and its clear structure facilitates both input and output of data, making it a popular choice for exchanging and storing structured data sets.

2. What’s the CSV functions?

The CSV format plays a crucial role in managing data within applications by offering an easy-to-understand tabular structure. Within applications, it is used to import and export data efficiently, allowing for seamless transfer between systems. Additionally, in cloud environments, the CSV format is highly compatible and is used to upload and download data sets, facilitating interoperability between platforms. Its simplicity makes it a preferred choice for information exchange in cloud services.

In the field of machine learning, the CSV format becomes essential for data preparation. It allows you to organize training and test data sets clearly, making it easier to enter information into machine learning algorithms. The interoperability of CSV extends to its use in exporting model results, which simplifies the interpretation and analysis of the results obtained. Its versatility and easy manipulation make it a valuable component in the machine learning workflow.

3. Use examples of CSV.

  • Data in spreadsheets.
  • Data in SQL databases.
  • Data upload to the cloud.
  • Distributed data clustering.
  • Version control log.
  • Machine Learning Training.
  • Data loading into BI platforms.

Do you need to integrate a variety of CSV in your project?

We can help you develop it! We are specialists in the development on data and AI based projects.