Query language
1. What’s query language?
A query language is a set of statements and commands used to request information or perform operations on a database or other data storage system. These languages are designed to interact with databases and retrieve, modify, insert or delete data in a specific way.
2. What’s the query language function?
Query languages play an essential role in managing and extracting information from databases and other data storage systems. SQL, for example, allows users to perform specific queries to retrieve data, update records, insert new information, or delete entries in relational databases. These languages provide a structured and efficient interface for interacting with large data sets, making it easier to retrieve relevant information and execute crucial operations. Additionally, specialized query languages, such as SparkQL for graph databases or XQuery for XML documents, allow you to handle specific data formats. In the digital age, where data management and analysis are essential, query languages are indispensable tools that empower users and developers to explore and manipulate data effectively.
Another example is system query languages, for example Power Query, which is used above all to make queries in Microsoft’s PowerBI, or even queries made in the search engine, for example adding “site:site domain” so that all the results appear. public on the Internet regarding that site, acting as a filter and eliminating from the search any page that has nothing to do with said website.
3. Examples of query language?
- SQL for relational databases.
- MongoQL in MongoDB.
- CypherQL in Neo4j.
- CQL in Cassandra and AstraDB.
- Power Query in PowerBI and Excel.
- SparkQL in Spark.
- KQL in Kibana.
Do you need to integrate differents queries languages in your project?
We can help you develop it! We are specialists in the development on data and AI based projects.